The Gifts of Failure

This blog is hard to write because it doesn’t feel good to admit when I’ve failed. After much deliberation, I have decided not to do the big show ‘Lighten Up’ in September. I procrastinated with telling you because I feel ashamed that I said I would do something, and now I know it’s not the right time. It’s humbling to admit that, but it’s also human, so I will forgive myself for not being perfect. And I’m sure you are too busy with your life to be overly concerned about my failed mission. Phew, what a relief. I find it freeing to think that, on the whole, most people are too busy with their own lives to be bothered much about anyone else’s comings and goings.

The tricky job for us was selling the show. It’s a weird time for live events; let’s face it, it was a bold move to think I could sell a big theatre like the Bell Performing Arts Centre for four nights without a recognizable name. I’m basically not famous enough, lol. Don’t cry, dear friends; I’m working hard to rectify that minor detail. The show will definitely happen. I can see the majesty and beauty of my creative vision in my mind’s eye and the crowd’s delight as I fold them in my epic adventure. Still, alas, it’s not happening this year. I am sorry if that was something you were looking forward to.

Here’s what I have learned from trying and failing.

• It’s none of my business what anyone else thinks about me. Ultimately the only story that matters is the one I tell myself. It’s my job to reframe this into a win. The journey towards this show harvested many gifts, including working with incredible people, performing solo shows, and growing my resilience to fear and failure.

• Growth happens because of friction, not despite it. If I had stayed in my comfort zone this year, I’d be stale and bored. It’s exciting to take on a challenge, even one destined to fail. Looking back on the twists and turns gives me something to say at dinner parties. Life is a crazy ride; without the risks, setbacks, and low points, I’d have no access to my joy either.

• Taking on a bold project encouraged me to get out into the community after lockdown and meet the public. It’s been a gift of unforeseen proportions to look into the eyes of so many people and share moments of genuine connection after the pandemic. Thank you if that was you.

• I’m less afraid of failing than ever before. I have experienced the value of trying and falling short, and I have learned invaluable things that will help me next time I try.

• I discovered I had a brilliant show that existed already, my Stand-Up. And it needs to fly. I now have time to tour earlier than expected, and you all know I love adventure. I have two shows in the U.K. and two in the U.S.A. Which could also fail, but hey, honestly, who cares!?

Thanks for all the love and support!

Keep trying, and don’t forget to embrace your failure!

Love from Lizzie 🙂

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